When it comes to decorating a new or existing space, the first step is deciding which decor style suits your space and lifestyle. The best place to start with home decor is to identify your tastes and consider how the room will function.
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Selecting a decor style starts with understanding what you like and what specific design qualities will make your life function easier. From relaxing sunrooms to multi-functional living room decor ideas, understanding your decor style will help you craft the ideal space.
How to Define Your Decor Style

When it comes to learning your decor style, it can help to break down your home into different sections and visualize what those spaces look like today and what they ideally could resemble. Once you have a basic outline and a vision of how your home should look and function, you can identify how to decorate these spaces. But do not feel like you have to go at it alone. Real Simple Magazine’s “6 Simple Secrets to Finding Your Home Decor Style” will walk you through how to create a home that reflects your personality.
Now that you have some ideas about how to proceed, here are additional considerations for specific spaces within your home.

Do you feel like the garage is a space you do not need to consider for a makeover? If so, this may be a great place to start to help you make the most of every square foot of your home. Configuring a garage for more than parking your car is a way to add functional space to your home. You can turn the garage into a craft room, a second living room, or an area that supports any of your hobbies. Netflix recently released “The Home Edit” and the show’s hosts, Clea and Joanna, help viewers organize garages, closets, and pretty much every room in the house. Check out their garage makeover blog post and gain some garage organization ideas you can start implementing today while you decide how to decorate this space.
Related: Create Space for Grandkids – Garage Door Screen
Whether you are a culinary mastermind or a playful pastry lover, the kitchen is a space used multiple times a day. What surfaces, flooring, and cabinet style best suit your needs? Do you want to have seating in the kitchen, or do you prefer to cook without an audience? Houzz recommends when trying to define your kitchen style to start by gathering images of kitchens, appliances, and colors that catch your eye. Using Pinterest, you can digitally build a Board and see all your ideas on a single webpage. By doing this, you will start to see trends. For example, you may notice that you are attracted to darker cabinets and lighter countertops, or you may see that you gravitate to bright pops of color sprinkled throughout the kitchen using accessories and dishes.
Living Room
Where do you see yourself relaxing and watching a movie after a long day? Do you picture soft pastels or maybe vibrant patterns? What sort of furniture would be best for your lifestyle and flexible enough to go from entertaining friends to repelling spills from your grandchildren?
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The living room is one of the most used and highest-trafficked spaces in the home, so it must perform as intended. The living room decor can range from functional furniture to accessories that make you smile, but whatever you choose, it should reflect your style. Speaking of style, some experts recommend you look no further than your closet to get a feel for your home decor style. Take a cue from your closet then see if there are any trends you can apply to your living room.
Sunrooms and Screened-In Porches

Like the garage, a sunroom or screened-in porch can serve any number of needs and wants. First, determine how you want the space to function, then think about how to decorate. A sunroom or screened-in porch is an opportunity to get creative and maybe push your decor tastes a little further than you would inside your home. Start with a theme, identify which colors you like, select the furniture, and get creative with the details. Consider taking decor inspiration from your favorite travel destinations or finding inspiration in the view from your sunroom or screened-in porch. Now your sunroom or screened-in porch can create additional living space for your family and guests.
Related: Sunroom optional- The urban jungle trend
Where to Start
The best place to start is identifying which space in the home you feel needs the most attention. This could include an area you do not often use because it doesn’t serve a specific purpose, or it could be a room that is used every day and could use some TLC. Having the home of your dreams means making the most of every square foot you have available.
For more home decor tips and tricks, check out our blog.